Podium 1 Racing Turnkeys
Here you'll find our various turnkey systems. Each system comes with everything needed to get you started. The systems are built, configured and delivered to you all included. Pcs, Monitors, Monitor stands, chassis, peripherals, various accessories all the way down to the surge protectors are installed and tested to make sure everything is ready to go*.
*The entry level PQ sim allows the user to choose to build the system themself or have us build. It also has the option of no PC. Shipping is still included in the price.
All systems can be adjusted or reconfigured to fit your exact needs so if you're not seeing exactly what you're after, send us a quick message and we can schedule a call!
Non Motion Turnkey Sims
Great for those wanting a complete system without motion to start your journey into sim racing.
Systems are modular so additional items, including motion systems, can be added a later time as you evolve in your sim racing career.
D-Box Motion Turnkey Sims
1.5" of Travel 3DoF
Our D-Box Turnkey systems are equipped with the D-Box Gen 5 4-point motion system with 1.5" of travel. These systems are 3DoF with Pitch, Roll and Heave.
2" - 4" Travel 3DoF up to 6DoF
With Qubic, our Turnkey systems offer 2" - 4" of travel. Varying from 3DoF up to 6DoF, at a minimum you'll feel pitch, roll and heave. The 4DoF adds the Yaw or Traction Loss and the 6DoF includes the previous 4 and adding Surge and Sway. This provides the ultimate in Degrees of Freedom.
Contact us
For more information about sim racing, our sim racing systems and the different software used, shoot us a message and we will be happy to schedule a time.